Hey, thanks for coming over! I am excited to be the lube for your comedy climax, Nikki Payne in Calgary & Edmonton this coming weekend. Would LOVE to have you come play! FRIDAY MAR 2 Nikki Payne & Friends University Theatre, U of C, Calgary, AB Phone: 403.220.7202 Tickets can be purchased HERE. SATURDAY MAR 3   Nikki Payne & … Read More


And this is why I scrapbook! 🙂 In March 2007, I went to Yuk Yuks as an amateur comedian to watch the amazing Nikki Payne on stage. I arrived a bit early, and there was Nikki – right out there in public without bodyguards or ANYTHING! Being that my Mom encouraged talking to strangers, I bounded up to Nikki, offered … Read More

* F U N * T H I N G S *

Here are a few super duper fun things coming up on ye olde calendar! What’s that? Why yes, I am a very lucky woman to be involved in these wonderful events. Gratitude, yo! MONDAY FEB 27 CBC Radio’s Laugh Out Loud presents Comedy Monday Night Broken City Social Club, Calgary, AB Tickets are $10 and can be purchased  HERE (scroll … Read More

* R A D I O * G A G A *

Good morning, beautiful humans, You look good. You must be getting your 8 glasses of water per day. One thing I’ve always wanted to be is a radio DJ/personality. That sounds like you only have a personality when you’re on the radio. You just flip a switch. You are dull and beige off air. I like it. Ever since I … Read More

* E E E K ! *

Okay, hi. I’m a bit excited. My first episode of CBC Radio’s “The Debaters” just played on the radio. *gulp* It felt weird and silly, which fortunately is one of my favourite combinations. I imagined Canadian people hearing it, like Bruno Gerussi or Relic from The Beachcombers!! Could you imagine? Me too! Anyhoo, I just wanted to thanks for listening … Read More

* b e a u t i f u l *

Recently, I wanted to find a very personal gift for someone dear to me. A friend of mine had had some art done… interesting art. “Lettergrams.” It is photos of letters found in nature, and you can spell out and customize any word/name you want! So cool! The one I ordered arrived today, and I’m in love with it. Not … Read More

* H A P P Y * E V E R Y T H I N G *

Hello friends, If you’re reading this – wait, that sounds like the beginning of a suicide note. “If you’re reading this, I’m hanging from the beam in the garage, so watch your head when you take out the garbage!” Oh God, that’s not how this was supposed to start! I want to hang out with these guys. Ahem… wasn’t 2011 … Read More


It’s hard to call what I do ‘work’ as my nephew reminded me. So, I’ll be playing in these places in the near future. Hugs! Dec 31        Yuk Yuks                Calgary, AB Jan 14        Corporate function      Vegreville, AB Jan 20-21     Yuk Yuks                Edmonton, AB Jan 25   … Read More

* M E R R Y * C H R I S T M A S *

Dear beautiful humans, I have much to blog about as Christmas fast approaches in 5 days. However, I’m not going to. Let’s catch up in the New Year, shall we? For now, I am wishing you a warm, cozy, silly Christmas and Hanukkah season. Nuzzle up to your family and friends, smile at strangers, sing in the grocery store, let … Read More

* M I S T E R * D E E *

I will not hyperventilate. Once again, I realized I must have a horseshoe strategically placed on my person. A few weeks ago, my friend and comedian, Trent McClellan, texted me asking if I could emcee for Gerry Dee at the Jack Singer Concert Hall that weekend. Seriously? Seriously. I said, “Yes, thank you,” which I believe may have sounded like, … Read More