Comedy with Icing

I emceed a fundraiser last night. The proceeds were to help raise money for a stand-up wheelchair for a lovely woman. Her daughter arranged the fundraiser with the help of a comedian friend of mine. It’s always a hit, a shot in the arm, an adrenaline dose and a kick to do comedy. Let me tell you, when you get … Read More


Hi beauties, Summer’s starting to wind down. Weird, hey? As a Mom, I always find the beginning of July is my absolute favourite part of summer. No waking up to an alarm, no driving anyone to school, no finding lunch money on the floor of the car. Just thinking about a blank day on the calendar is intoxicating. Then by … Read More


Just back from a family trip to the coast of B.C. So good to see the rest of my family. The ocean cast its spell on me again. I stand staring at it trying to breathe enough of it into me that I can recall it when I’m back on the prairies. When I was a teenager, I worked on … Read More

Very Superstitious… Sing it!

Up in Edmonton doing Yuk Yuks. Last night’s show was a bushel of fun and sparkles. The early show tonight was a bit o’ work. I’m changing my shirt between shows. I’m sure that will make all the difference. Dorkily,Lori

E – T O W N

Hi loveheads. I’m headed up ye olde highway 2 on Friday with funny men friends, Dan Guiry & Scott Dumas. I hope I have enough room in my car for the guitars. We’ll be at the Yuk Yuks in the Century Casino on Fort Road, Friday 8:00, Saturday 8:00 & 10:30. If you can’t make it, maybe we’ll see you … Read More


This weekend, Dan Guiry & I are sharing our first ever city Yuk Yuks co-feature. I have him to thank for it as he requested me. So ironic considering we got off to a horrid start four years ago. I’ve come to realize that Dan is a lovely human being who often says, “Hey… I’m an a$$hole!” with a hint … Read More


Today I am re-writing Jann Arden lyrics into a bit. I love my life… and you, for reading. Love,Lori