* H A P P Y * E V E R Y T H I N G *

Hello friends,

If you’re reading this – wait, that sounds like the beginning of a suicide note. “If you’re reading this, I’m hanging from the beam in the garage, so watch your head when you take out the garbage!” Oh God, that’s not how this was supposed to start!

I want to hang out with these guys.

Ahem… wasn’t 2011 interesting? Personally, I have been savouring watching our boys grow up… seeing glimpses of who they will be as men. And I’m very proud. I’m proud of my husband and me giving them a supportive, peaceful, silly home in which to grow. I’m proud of the boys for their senses of self and their well-developed sense of empathy and compassion. I’m very lucky.

This year in comedy, I was given some opportunities that made me numb and happy. Besides the fact that I love my job, no matter how long the drive or how smelly the motel, I found myself opening for Gerry Dee at the Jack Singer Concert Hall, taping a Comedy Now special in Toronto, and taping an episode of The Debaters for CBC in Vancouver. I couldn’t have predicted this life in my wildest dreams. I’m a 46-year-old chunky scrapbookin’ Mom. Well kids, remember dreams come true, even if you start at age 40.

I know everyone says New Year’s is a fresh start, but really, any moment of any day can be a fresh start. Don’t pressure yourself to have OMG-THE-MOST-AMAZING-NIGHT tonight. NYE is a weird night. Just be somewhere where you feel comfy and connected to other humans.
