* M I L E S T O N E *

Hi lovebugs,

This weekend, I’ll be headlining the Calgary Yuk Yuks for the first time. People have asked me how it feels. Well, it feels like any other gig… wonderful, heady, fun, exciting. But I get what they mean. It is a milestone. It will be an excellent scrapbook entry, I assure you. And I’d very much love for you to be there.

My first gig, 5 years ago, was at a women’s healing retreat in Caroline, Alberta. I said tonight to a dear friend tonight, “I remember after that show. A woman told me her husband had died two years ago and that she hadn’t laughed since then… until I did my ‘comedy.'” (I put comedy in quotes because I had NO idea what I was doing)  THAT is what this is about. THAT is what grounds me and reminds me why I do this. THAT is what I remember when I feel doubt or rejection. Laughter heals. So kickass.
