Premiere of “The Inside Joke”

In November and December of 2010, a crew from Shaw TV was busy filming several local comedians and their sets in an effort to produce a documentary about stand-up in Calgary. After a couple of months of editing the final product is ready to go!

The hour-long documentary is called “The Inside Joke” and will be airing on SHAW (Cable 10 in Calgary) a couple of times a week for several weeks starting with its premiere on Saturday, February 19 at 9:00PM. After that, you can check your SHAW listings or their Facebook page to see when it will be re-airing (and it will hopefully find its way to Video On Demand – though the jury is still out on that one).

If you’d like to experience all the fun of a Hollywood movie premiere without the narcissism of actual celebrities, you can join a number of the members of Calgary’s comedy community (including most of the people in the documentary) for a special screening party on Sunday, February 20 at 7:00PM. The host venue will be the Calgary Yuk Yuk’s (in The Elbow River Casino). Doors will open at 5:30PM for drinks and mingling. We want as many people to see it as possible, so it’s a free event.

As a small spoiler we can tell you the names of the comedians involved in the project. You’ll see Jeff Kubik, Mario Lopez, Lori Gibbs, Karen O’Keefe, Donovan Deschner, and Cris Nannarone.

Hopefully you’ll be able to see this documentary in the coming weeks as it is truly a great look at comedy in the city and comedy in general.