December 14: Lethbridge AB
December 16-18: Calgary Yuk Yuks
This afternoon, I’m heading to Lethbridge with my friend, Dan Guiry. The reunion of Meat & Potatoes! If you don’t know why we call ourselves that, it’s mostly a physical reference. It should be an excellent, silly time no matter how the show goes.
My last shows before Christmas are this weekend at Calgary Yuk Yuks; December 16-18. I believe the 8:00 pm shows on Fri/Sat are sold out, but there is still some room at the Thursday 8:00 show and the 10:30 pm shows Fri/Sat. Message me [email protected] or call the box office at 403.258.2028. It’s going to be punchy, goofy, ridiculous and a whack of fun.
Ooh, and I’ll still be helping you avoid the mall for Christmas shopping by pushing shirts on you for a mere $20! Santa said he wants you going Tits to the Bricks and Balls to the Wall this year if you want your stocking stuffed.
Merry sparkles,