“I awoke this morning with devout thanksgiving for my friends, the old and the new.”
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
Last night was a lovely fundraiser for Carpenters4Cambodia, a group of three humble, gentle, talented men who freely give their time and their hearts to the children of Cambodia. They build schools for the poor, the forgotten, the neglected, and the orphaned. The carpenters are Jamie Moorhouse, Todd Enquist, and my brother, Mike Higgins.

When they approached me about a comedy fundraiser, I thought it was an amazing idea. I quickly starting e-mailing my comedian friends to see who could donate their time and talent to the evening. Every single comedian I asked said yes. My heart swelled like in that scene in The Grinch. So, to Ian Wallace, Jeff Toth, Jasen Fredrickson, Chris Gordon, Mario Lopez, Marcus Beaubier & Jeremy Furlong… thank you. 

It gives me renewed faith in comedy and the industry itself when we come together as our authentic comedian selves who do what we do because we truly believe that the laughter and joy we bring has a healing effect on the world in general. 

Yep, full of love again,